About me
I have started research on theoretical molecular magnetism in 2008, as a master student. This drove me toward a PhD in theoretical chemistry, dedicated to the ‘zero-field splitting’. My everyday work tasks were related to symmetry, crystal-field theory, spin Hamiltonians, tensors, wave function theory, and the effective Hamiltonian theory.
After graduating in 2011 at both the University of Toulouse (FR) and the University of Tarragona (ES), I have diversified my activities by means of two post-doctorates, at the University of Groningen (NL) and at the University of Minnesota (USA), respectively. This has allowed me to apply my molecular approach to solid state problems, to be properly introduced to density functional theory, and to start working on radioelements.
After this, I obtained in 2013 a CNRS permanent researcher position at the Subatech laboratory in Nantes to perform research on theoretical radiochemistry, prior to joining the ISCR (Rennes Institute for Chemical Sciences) laboratory in 2021. I work within the CTI (Inorganic Theoretical Chemistry) team of this laboratory. Also, I am deeply involved in the life of the ThéMoSiA network (which replaced the French theoretical chemistry network, RFCT).
As a mentor, I attempt to transmit the many subtleties that should be mastered to consider oneself a ‘theoretical chemist’, meaning that I do not aim to train operators for pushing random buttons. Therefore, I encourage highly motivated students to contact me for potential collaboration and/or inquiries on available positions, when applicable:
The CTI team uses the tools of computational chemistry to unravel the structural and physical properties of molecules and solid-state compounds. See here for more details.
The ISCR laboratory, founded in January 1st, 2006, gathers together all the academic forces in chemistry at the Rennes site. See here for more details.